General Show Rules / Information
This show is Sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association and their rules shall govern.
Junior and Senior Does are separately Sanctioned with ADGA.
Youth Showmanship will begin at 7:30 Saturday morning.
The classes will be as follows: Junior 6-12, Senior - 13-18.
Senior doe show will begin in Ring 1 at 8:00 AM or at the conclusion of Showmanship, whichever is later. Ring 2 will begin at the completion of the first breed shown in Ring 1.
Original registration certificate or stamped duplicates. Must be originals, photocopies will not be valid or accepted.
Check in will begin at 4:00 PM on Friday May 10th until 8:00 PM and will resme Saturday May 6th at 6:00 AM until 7:45 AM. Please arrive with enough time to check in before show.
Please note this is a fuzzy show and clipping other than udders is highly discouraged as the weather in North Idaho can be unpredictable. Last year was a prime example it was chilly!
Potluck was such a hit we will be doing it again. Bring your best comfort food!
Senior show order is as follows:
Nigerian Dwarf (ND)
Nubian (N)
Alpine (A)
Lamancha (L)
Oberhasli (B)
AOP (Sannen, Toggenburg, Guernsey)
Sable (C)
Recorded Grade (RG)
Junior doe show is as follows:
Nigerian Dwarf (ND)
Nubian (N)
Alpine (A)
Lamancha (L)
Oberhasli (B)
AOP (Sannen, Toggenburg, Sable, Guernsey) (AOP)
Recorded Grade (RG)
Junior show will begin 15 minutes after Best Dairy Herd in Show.
Show order is subject to change at discretion of show committee.
No milkout will be required, however over uddered animals will be asked to relieve if the judges feel necessary.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to know the requirements of transporting animals into the state of Idaho and the surrounding area. Any goat showing signs of infectious conditions, abscesses or in poor health will be refused upon entry including up to ring entry. Please be considerate of the animals and other exhibitors.
Early entry deadline is May 1, 2024.
Early entry fees are $7.00 per doe/per ring. Entries received/postmarked after May 1st will be $10.00 per doe/per ring. Payments accepted for entries are PayPal, Cash and Check. PayPal account is (Friends and Family Please)
Refunds will not be given if unable to attend.
Pens will be available at $10.00 per pen, bedding WILL NOT be provided, please plan to provide your own bedding and to clean your pens. If you do not want to clean your pens please plan to pay $20.00 per pen. Pens are 6 X 6 and are right next to the show barn. Please note: There are 60 pens available and will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Dry camping will be available in field near barns, the fee is $10.00 a night this includes camping out of your trailer. Electric/water hookup is $25.00 per night. RV camping is available. The RV site is on the fairgrounds but just a little farther down from barns RV camping is $35.00 a night.
Penning out of your trailer is acceptable, we do ask that you please clean your excess hay, straw in a pile for the fairgrounds to pick up after you leave.
Location of the show is Kootenai County Fairgrounds at 4056 Government Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815. Please note you will enter through Gate C off Kathleen Ave, gate is located across the street from North 40. We will have a sign outside of the gate.
When entering your animals please use the Breed Code as shown above and the Class number shown below.
Senior Doe Show:
1. Yearling doe in milk under 2 as of May 10, 2024
2. Two years old doe under 3
3. Three years old doe under 4
4. Four years old doe under 5
5. 5 years old and older
6. Dairy Herd (Free Class)
Junior Doe Show:
8. Junior Kids, born April 1, 2024 to May 1, 2024.
9. Intermediate kids, born March 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024.
10. Senior kids, born Dec 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024.
11. Dry Yearlings never been in milk, born November 30th 2023 or earlier and under 2 as of May 11th 2024.
If you have any additional questions please message us on the Cda Fuzzies FB page or email us at