We are very happy for residents to invite guests to visit them in the College. Guests must be greeted at the gate, and sign in and out on the College’s VPASS – our electronic sign in book located in the foyer. This is a legal requirement by which all staff and students must abide.
Occasional overnight guests are welcome, with the exception of during Orientation Week, Swot Vac, and the examination periods. All guests must be registered in order to stay in College overnight using the Overnight Guest Request Form that can be found on the JCH Information Sharepoint/Mobile Site.
If you require a mattress or bedding for your guest, this form must be submitted before 11am on the day accommodation is required, or before 11am on the Friday if weekend accommodation is required.
Requests for a mattress or bedding received outside these times cannot be guaranteed. The Bed and Breakfast rate for an overnight guest is $27, and the Bed Only rate is $12. These charges will be billed to your account on a monthly basis. Please do not exploit the fees of other students by allowing guests, including partners, to stay in College without covering their costs.
It is your responsibility to make sure all your guests are aware that while on the premises they will be held accountable to the following College policies: the SAFE policies, the College Code of Conduct, and the College Safety Standards for Persons Under 18. It is also your duty to ensure their good conduct and provide appropriate supervision of their activities, for which the College will hold you accountable. The College is unable to provide casual accommodation in separate rooms for guests.
Resident’s guests are welcome to join the College for a meal any day or night of the week, but the College needs to cover the costs of the meal so that student fees are not affected. Please fill in a Guest Meal Slip (available in the Kitchen) when you collect your meals. The charge of $15 per meal per person will be charged to the resident’s account or if the College Office is open you can pay for the meal(s) immediately.
Guests not staying in the College overnight are requested to depart the grounds by 11pm. Guests are not permitted at any Student Club parties.
If you guest is feeling unwell they should not enter the college.