By the signing this Disclaimer agreement I agree to the below. I named above wish to participate in racing at Smallfield Raceway.
I confirm I am familiar with the nature of the competition and the risks inherent therein and that I have been given the opportunity to inspect the track and its facilities.
I hereby confirm I am satisfied and consent to participate as a competitor, and I am competent to do so.
I hereby agree and undertake to indemnify the organizers, officials, and land owners, Smallfield Raceway Ltd, its servants or agents, and other competitors against all sums whether by way of damages, costs or otherwise which they may be required to pay me for any reason whatsoever including without limitation their negligence and/or breach of statutory duty arising from my participation in competition.
I confirm that I do not suffer from any physical or mental disability which would make it unsafe me to participate as a competitor.
I hereby acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that I have read and understood the rules and regulations & the Health & Safety document on the smallfield raceway web site and that i will comply with them. I declare to the best of my belief that my vehicle entered is suitable and race worthy, is safe and complies with the rules and regulations as specified in the Smallfield Raceway Ltd Rules.
By signing this agreement disclaimer I also confirm and agree that:
1. I have been provided with a copy of and have read this agreement and the Smallfield Raceway Rules & Regulations on their website. I agree to abide by the Rules and conditions set out below and all provided to me by Smallfield Raceway LTD and provided on www.smallfield
2. I am over 16.
3. I fully understand the nature and type of racing in which I wish to participate and I am fully familiar with the nature, layout, features and geography of the Circuit upon which I wish to race.
4. I am satisfied that the raceway is safe for me to race upon and that should I at any time have any doubts as to their safety I am entitled to decline to race. I am aware that I may inspect the racetrack prior to racing.
6. I agree to abide by the rules as stated by SmallfieldRaceway Ltd. These have been provided to me on
7. I hereby give Smallfield Raceway Ltd the right to use my name or my racing number, and any photographs or video footage of me and or my race car, or similar for the purpose of advertising or publicity as they see fit.
8. I understand that Smallfield Raceway Ltd ARE NOT LIABLE in any way for any injury sustained by me during racing on Smallfield Raceway controlled track.
9. By Signing this agreement I agree, not to cause, or be a part of in any way involved with any action or behaviour that would or could disrupt a race meeting. I also understand that I am responsible for the actions & safety of my pit crew and family members, and that children must be supervised at all times and acknowledge that if their behaviour in any way is deemed dangerous or disrupts a race meeting. I may be asked to leave the event and could face a possible ban from the raceway.
10. Smallfield Raceway Ltd shall not be liable to me by reason of any representation or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the Contract, for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of Smallfield Raceway , its servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision by Smallfield Raceway Ltd of this contract.
11. I understand the risks involved with racing within the formula of my choice and agreee that I am racing at my own risk and Smallfield Raceway LTD are not liable for any injury, death or damage to me or other drivers on the raceway.
12. I confirm I am not or will not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs when I enter the raceway. I agree to random breathalyser or drug tests if needed.
13. The risk of Injury from the activity and equipment involved in motorized activities is significant including the potential for permanent disability and death, and while particular protective equipment and personal discipline will minimize this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist.
THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and further agrees that the oral representations, statements and inducements apart from the forgoing written agreement have been made.
I can confirm by signing below, I agree for this disclaimer to cover the whole 2023 (all 8 race day) season at Smallfield Raceway LTD.