I understand that shares are not transferable and may be redeemed at not more than face value.
As a shareholder I am entitled to one vote at general meetings of the Society. If I am a joint or corporate shareholder I must appoint a proxy to attend or vote at such a meeting.
I understand as a shareholder I am encouraged to help the business and the community by volunteering to help with administration, planning, working at events or by becoming a member of the Committee. I will contact the committee by emailing admin@antwerparms.co.uk to hear more about helping.
I agree to have my details kept both electronically and in paper form for the purpose of administering the shareholders register and to be contacted by the Society by e-mail to inform me about updates of Antwerp Arms Association meetings, AGM events and event and offers at The Antwerp Arms Pub. Emails will be sent securely by Mailerlite.