Worksheet #1: Essential Functions Description and Priority
List the functions identified by the COOP Team or the department. Briefly describe the function and why it is essential. Essential Functions are those organizational functions and activities that must be continued under any and all circumstances. Critical Functions must be maintained to provide vital services, exercise civil authority, maintain the safety of the general public, and sustain the economic base during an emergency or other business disruption.
1.Name of person completing form
4.Division if Applicable
5.Services this function provides: (Additionally identify any supportive functions upon which this function depends. Primary essential functions may depend upon functions not previously identified as essential or on functions both within and outside the agency.
6.The loss of this function would have the following effect :
Catastrophic effect on the agency or multiple division/directorates
Catastrophic effect on one division/directorate
Moderate effect on the agency
Moderate effect on some divisions/directorates
Minor effect on the agency or some divisions/directorates
7.How long can this function continue without its usual operation of information systems and telecommunications support? Assume that loss of support occurs during your busiest, or peak period.
Please Select
Up to 1 Day
Up to 3 Days
8.Are there any peak load or stress considerations?
9.Have you developed/established any backup procedures (manual or otherwise) to continue this function in the event that the associated applications are not available? Consider how much data you can afford to lose.Type a question
10.If yes, then how often have those procedures been tested?
11.The loss of this function would have the following legal ramifications due to regulatory statutes, contractual agreements, or law: (specify the area of exposure)
12.The loss of this function would have the following negative impact on personnel in this agency:
13.The loss of this function would keep us from supplying the following services to the public and other entities:
14.Specify any other factors that are to be considered when evaluating the impact of the loss of this function:
15.Are there ANY other supportive resources upon which this function depends (partner, vendor, software, unique resource, etc.) not already identified above?
Should be Empty: