Worksheet #4: Order of Succession
Using this worksheet, designate the appropriate orders of succession for each essential function. In the first column, list the essential functions located in Worksheet #1, Priority of Essential Functions. In the second column, list the key position or person who is essential to performing the function. Then in the remaining columns, list the positions that would serve as successors if the key position or person is unavailable unexpectedly, i.e., illness, injury, vacation, or termination of employment, among others. The same successors might be named for different key positions, but avoid designating the same position or person as the first successor to several key positions. Be sure to include both the title of the position and the individual who fills the position in each box. You can submit this form as many times as needed for all essential functions identified in Worksheet #1. Once you submit the form for each item there will be an option to submit another worksheet for the next essential function.
1. Name of person completing form
2. Email Address
3. Essential Funtion
4. Key Personnel
5. Successor 1
6. Successor 2
7. Successor 3
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