Fill out this form to complete your event registration.
We are able to present this event for free due to a generous grant from the New York State Consortium for Worker Education (CWE).
As part of this grant, the WGAE needs to provide the CWE with information on who attends the events they fund.
CWE receives a significant portion of their funding from the state, which means they need to collect comprehensive data from program participants so they can provide documentation for the use of state funds. In the event that a government agency wants to audit CWE or question the validity of the funding, this data is used to demonstrate program outcomes.
The information in this intake form is reqiured by NY State by way of the CWE, in order for the CWE to continue to receive that funding – and, in turn, for them to continue to provide support for programs like the one you are attending.
NOTE: If necessary, you can save your progress and return to this form later by selecting the "Save & Continue Later" button at the bottom of the page. A log-in dialog will open — select the "Skip Create an Account" link at the bottom of the log-in dialog to get a link to your draft or to have the link emailed to you.
If you do use the "Save & Continue Later" feature, however, please remember to complete and submit the form prior to the event in order for your registration to be approved & for you to receive the Zoom link.