2024 SC Festival of Flowers Sanctioned Events Guidelines
1. Sanctioned events will receive the following benefits:
• Use of the Festival logo (provided with approval letter) on advertising and promotional materials. Requests to produce other retail, promotional or specialty items using the Festival name and logo must receive prior written permission from the Festival.
• Inclusion in the Official Festival Program
• Listing in the schedule of events on our website: www.scfestivalofflowers.org
• Event mentioned/highlighted as a sanctioned event on SCFOF Facebook, any social media outlets, and in emails to subscribers.
• Festival office must receive event/organization logo(s) and event publicity photos by Friday, March 15, 2024 in order to be included in information provided to the Media.
2. Sanctioned events organizers MUST:
• Ensure the event is “family friendly” and not conflict with SC Festival of Flowers official events.
• Prominently display the SC Festival of Flowers name and logo on all materials that promote your sanctioned event including, but not limited to: advertisements, brochures, banners, clothing, items, posters, programs and tickets. Copies of all advertising materials must be provided to the Festival office prior to printing or production. Verbal mention required in radio promotions. The SCFOF will provide either electronic or camera ready logos for your use.
• Drafts of promotional materials must be submitted to the SC Festival of Flowers for review and approval prior to any mass production or distribution.
• SC FOF logo and link from sanctioned event website with prominent display on Home page.
• Logo and mention included in Social Media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
• Provide a copy of liability insurance with “The SC Festival of Flowers” listed as additional insured organization. Copy of insurance application listing "The SC Festival of Flowers" must be submitted by Tuesday, April 30, 2024 & copy of the actual document by Tuesday, May 21, 2024.
• Include “The SC FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS” in all disclaimers, waivers and hold harmless statements.
3. The Festival must receive all event information by Friday, March 15, 2024
Submission of application does not guarantee acceptance. Approved events will be notified no later than Friday, March 29, 2024. Acceptance as a Sanctioned Event of the SC Festival of Flowers does not indicate sponsorship or support, to include financial, volunteer, staffed, or implied support, and does not make the SC Festival of Flowers liable in any way for any actions or negligence of the organizing agency or the event.