Creature Keeper Application
What dog are you interested in?
First Name
Last Name
Co-Applicants Full Name. (If none, please put N/A)
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Are you open to text messaging?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
How long have you lived at your current address? *
Occupation and how long you have worked there.
How did you find out about us?
How soon are you looking to adopt?
Why do you want a dog? Please describe in detail the pet you are looking for.
What energy level are you looking for in a dog?
What gender and size are you looking for?
How important is it to you that they get along with other dogs?
Do you own other pets at the current time? If yes, please list their names, breeds, ages and if fixed or not. If no, please put N/A.
How many pets have you owned in the last 5-10 years?
Have you ever turned your dog or cat into a shelter? If so please explain why.
Do you own or rent your home?
What type of residence do you have? House, Apartment, Trailer, Ect.
If you rent, does your landlord and lease allow pets? Please provide landlords name and contact number. (If you do not rent, please put N/A)
Including yourself, how many people live in your household? Please list the ages & relationship of those who live in your home.
On average, how many hours per weekday will your pet be left alone?
Where will the dog be when you are not home?
If your dog was to have a sudden illness/injury would you have the funds available to provide emergency vet care in a timely manner?
What do you anticipate your monthly budget for food, prevention, toys and treats be?
What other expenses do you anticipate as a pet owner?
What brand of dog food would you use? *
Do you have a completely fenced-in yard? please describe your fence (material, height, etc) If you do not have a fenced yard, how will you let the animal out?
How will you handle destructive behavior?
How would you discipline the dog
How active is your lifestyle?
For what reason(s) would you consider returning/giving up the animal?
Will you allow us to perform home checks?
Have you or will you be applying with any other rescues?
Have you ever been denied by a rescue or shelter to adopt or foster?
I have read the foregoing and certify that the answers I have given are complete, true and not misleading in any way. I am authorizing you to contact landlord and associations. You are also aware that we cannot guarantee the health and temperament of the animal.
Should be Empty: