I/We hereby confirm that the *material facts contained in this proposal form are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/We have not concealed, misrepresented or misstated any material fact. I/We further undertake to inform the Company of any material alterations to these facts occurring during the currency of this Policy within 7/10 days from the date of occurrence of change through serving notice (as per format enclosed with the Proposal Form) upon the Company, failing which, the Company shall be discharged of its liability to pay claims and the Company shall be free to rely upon the non-disclosure as grounds for refusing to pay a claim or for diminishing a claim which is otherwise payable.
*Note : A material fact is the information that is likely to influence the judgment of an insurance company when determining whether to provide a business with cover and the amount of contribution to be charged. It is the duty of the customer to disclose material facts that could be relevant to the coverage provided by the insurance company.