Your details
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your puppy's details
Puppy's Name
If unsure, please write mixed, and include if small/medium/large mixed breed
When are/did you bring puppy home?
Where did you get your puppy from?
What is your previous experience with dogs (have you owned dogs before, and specifically this breed)?
What puppy food did your breeder feed your puppy? Are you feeding the same or changing? If changing, what to?
Have you noticed any protectiveness over food/chews/toys etc.?
Please list all people that live in the home and their ages
Please list all pets that live in the home, and please include species/breed, age, gender and whether or not they are sterilised.
How much interaction has your puppy had with each of the above so far? And how did they go?
What access does/will your puppy have of the house/yard?
Where does your puppy sleep? And is this where they will sleep when older?
Where do you want your puppy to go to the toilet?
Will your puppy ever be left at home alone?
If so, how often and how long for typically?
How has your puppy reacted to/interacted with visitors in the home so far?
Training History
Have you ever done any formal training classes? (and if so, where?)
Who is your puppy's vet
When was your puppy's last checkup
Any known medical history? (incidents, medications, etc.)
Consult Priorities
Are there any particular issues you would like to make sure we cover?
Is there any other relevant information you would like to include?
Please detail below your upcoming availability, including what days and what time of day that you are likely to be available for your first session. Please note: if you have availability during the day on weekdays I will usually be able to book you in sooner. Time slots outside of 9-5 are available, they just tend to book out further in advance.
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