The person whose name follows this text that has been identified as contact person declares under oath that the information provided in this document is true and complete.
That he/she has the authority to provide the information contained herein this document.
That the Reporting Company has defined in accordance with the rules issued by FinCEN the Final Beneficiaries whose information is provided in this document.
That he/she understands that false information provided may lead to civil and criminal legal responsibilities.
That he/she requests on behalf of the reporting company that Aztec Project LLC submit the BOI Report in accordance with the data provided and that it releases said company, its representatives and employees from any liability resulting from any defect, completness or autenticity of the information provided herein this document. And that you are obliged to notify any defect, completness or autenticity of the information herein provided, at the time you become aware of it.
Likewise, you declare that the data provided is of your personal and direct knowledge.
That consequently he/she signs this document as sign of acceptance of what is expressed here and accepts responsibility for the information provided.