Our Hunter/Jumper days are one of the biggest volunteer events of the year, for South Peace Horse Club
More About the Hunter:
With its roots in traditional fox hunting where riders would often jump their horses over fences and natural obstacles, hunter classes test the essential qualities in a good hunting horse. In today’s Hunter ring, performances are judged subjectively, with a variety of factors being taken into consideration, including the horse’s style, movement, jumping technique, and conformation depending on the class. Hunter divisions include over fences classes (jumping obstacles) and hack classes (gaits, including walk, trot and canter).
- Equestrian Canada
More About the Jumper:
Spectator friendly and easy to understand, the object for the Jumper is to negotiate a series of obstacles, where emphasis is placed on height and width, and to do so without lowering the height or refusing to jump any of the obstacles. The time taken to complete the course is also a factor. The Jumping course tests a horse’s athleticism, agility and tractability while simultaneously testing a rider’s precision, accuracy and responsiveness. Perhaps most importantly, Jumping tests the partnership between horse and rider.
-US Equestrian