Master Your Mornings: Audit and Upgrade Your Morning Routine
Are you ready to take control of your mornings and set the tone for a productive, fulfilling day? This morning routine audit will help you identify areas for improvement and I'll respond with a video message with actionable tips to create a personalised routine that supports your goals and well-being. Say goodbye to chaotic mornings and hello to a refreshed, energised you!
First Name
Last Name
1. What time do you normally wake up each morning, and how well-rested do you feel?
2. How consistent is your wake-up time? And does it allow enough time to get everything you need and would like to get dome in the morning?
3. What time do you typically go to bed, and how consistent is this schedule?
4. What time do you typically need to leave for work/school drop off/commence your first commitment for the day?
5. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
6. Do you allocate time for movement, such as gym/exercise/yoga in the morning? If so, what do you do and how long do you allocate?
7. Describe your morning nutrition - what do you typically eat and drink, in what order and typically when? List everything before and including your first meal of the day.
8. Do you incorporate any mindfulness, meditation, intention setting or other spiritual practices into your morning routine? If so, list these practices below.
9. How much time do you spend on grooming, getting dressed and preparing for the day? Is this enough time and do you feel like you're using this time efficiently?
10. How do you typically feel after completing your morning routine?
11. How would you like to feel after completing your morning routine?
12. What is the biggest challenge you have with your current morning routine? What do you feel is missing from your current routine that you would like to see included?
Are there any additional details, preferences or specific concerns that you'd like me to consider when making my recommendations?
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