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The York County Solid Waste Authority (YCSWA) was established to facilitate responsible solid waste management in York County. We support and promote waste reduction, reuse and recycling in a variety of ways and in several facilities. A critical part of assuring a sustainable future solid waste management system is incorporating community values in the design of York County’s system, so we are asking for your input via this survey. Please provide your feedback to the questions below.
Note: We are not a waste collection company. For this survey's purpose, solid waste refers to garbage and recyclables that you throw away every day.
1. Are you satisfied with how solid waste is managed in York County?
If no, please explain:
2. How satisfied are you with the frequency and quality of communication from the YCSWA?
Extremely Satisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
3. In your dealings with the YCSWA, has the organization acted with openness and transparency?
If no, please explain:
4. In your opinion, what are important services that YCSWA currently provides? Please select all that apply.
Generating energy from garbage and reducing landfill usage
Providing a reliable and convenient outlet for waste in York County
Small Load Drop-off Area at the York CountyResource Recovery Center
Education and outreach programs
Household hazardous waste collection event
Support with recycling programs for businesses and residents (ex. recycling grants for municipalities, helping businesses and schools recycle)
Electronics recycling
Medication take-back boxes at police stations
Free litter disposal for community clean-up events
5. Which feature(s) would you like to see in future solid waste management in York County? Please select all that apply.
Waste managed locally
Waste managed at the lowest cost possible
Waste managed the most environmentally sustainable way possible
Waste hauled out of York County to another county or state
6. Please check all services provided by YCSWA that you or your family have participated in.
Brought waste to the York County Resource Recovery Center ("Incinerator")
Toured the York County Resource Recovery Center ("Incinerator")
Participated in an educational program
Household Hazardous Waste event drop-off
Electronics recycling drop-off
Free litter disposal program
Brought medication to Medication Take Back Boxes in police stations
Visited YCSWA booth at Go Green in the City
Visited YCSWA booth at PawPaw Festival
7. Would you be in favor of adopting programs for waste minimization, recycling and reuse in your home, even if those programs increase costs?
8. Would you be in favor of adopting programs for waste minimization, recycling and reuse in your home, even if those programs are less convenient?
9. Please choose the response that best indicates the extent to which you Agree or Disagree with the following statements: YCSWA should focus on:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Waste to Energy with Ash Recycling
Manage waste locally (do not send to other states or counties)
Food waste and organics management/recycling
Minimizing reliance on landfilling
10. Are there any services that YCSWA does not currently provide that we should consider offering or focusing on?
Should be Empty: