Photo / Video Release Form
I, First Name* Last Name* hereby grant permission to New Heights Baptist Church, Bus Ministry Helpers, John & Christina Bates for all the following for each child listed below:
To use my photograph(s) or video(s), or the photograph(s) or video(s) of my child(ren), on the above ministry's names website, social media, newsletters or any other ministry printed publications without further consideration.initials*
To edit, crop or treat these photograph(s) or video(s) at its discretion. initials*
To use these photograph(s) or video(s) at any time which includes anytime in the future. initials*
I understand that should these photograph(s) or video(s) be used on the ministry's names website, that it may be available for download. initials*
I do hereby agree to indemnify, release and to hold its agents and employees, harmless from any and all liability, actions, causes of actions, claims, expenses, and damages that may arise from the dissemination of these photograph(s) and video(s), whether via the internet or in print, which I now have, or which may arise in the future. initials*
New Heights Baptist Church, Bus Ministry Helpers, John & Christina Bates reserves the right to use or not to use these photograph(s) and video(s) without notice. initials*.
By signing below, I affirm that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child(ren) listed above and agree with the terms and conditions set forth above.