Each participant/organization shall hold harmless and indemnify Hawai’i Island Pacific & Asia Cultural Celebrations (HIPACC) and the Siva Afi Company from every and all liability, claim or demand which liability, claim, or demand may be made by reason of:
- Any injury to person or property sustained by any person, firm, or corporation caused by any act, negligence, default, or omission of the participating organization or any person, firm, or corporation directly or indirectly engaged by it upon or in connection with the event, whether the injury or damage occurs at the Hawaiʻi Kuauli Pacific & Asia Cultural Festival.
- The furnishing or use of any copyrighted or non-copyrighted composition, secret process, patented or non-patented invention, article, or appliance during the event.
- The participating organizations at their own cost, expense, and risk, shall defend all legal proceedings that may be brought against the Committee, its Board, Officers, and Volunteers on any such liability, claim, or demand and satisfy any of them whether or not the liability, claim or demand was actually or allegedly caused wholly or in part through the negligence or other implying conducts of any of them.
- The participating organizations or individual participants agree to allow The Siva Afi Company and the Hawaiʻi Kuauli Pacific & Asia Cultural Festival to use their image(s) or likeness for advertising purposes and allow The Siva Afi Company and the Hawaii Kuauli Pacific & Asia Cultural Festival to videotape and photograph their performance or presence at the event for their archives and use within the scope of this event promoted through videotape, website and all other related forms of promotion.
Smoking is permitted in designated areas only. Smoking is prohibited within the
performer’s area, including the main stage, dressing rooms, theatre, all halls, and backstage.
Alcoholic beverages and the illegal use of drugs and drug paraphernalia are strictly
prohibited at any time. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in immediate disqualification and eviction by local law enforcement from the premises.
Upon entering the structure, parking fees are charged to the driver; no in and out privileges are permitted.
HIPACC and the Siva Afi Company will not be held responsible for any damage or loss
property during the event.