High School Pizza & Broom Hockey Registration
Event date/time: April 12, 2024 - 7:00pm-11:15pm
Event Details
Filling out this form registers you to participate in HS Pizza & Broom Hockey (& Ice Skating) with WayPoint Youth (www.waypointyouth.com for ministry info).
Cost: $30 per student.
Payment can be made in person with cash or check, or online at waypointyouth.com/broomhockey.
What we're doing:
On April 12 at 7:00pm, we will meet at WayPoint North (12719 134th Ave Nw, Gig Harbor, 98329) for Pizza. At 8:00pm, we will carpool to Bremerton Ice Center. Drivers will be adult youth leaders and some parent volunteers. Students who can drive are permitted to drive other students only if they have direct permission from their parents and the other students' parents. We will verify before departure. Ice time at Bremerton Ice Center is from 8:45-10:45pm. The rink will be split in half. One half will be Broom Hockey, the other half will be ice skating. We expect to be back at WPN around 11:15pm.
There is a cafe there with food available for purchase!
The café has pizza (if you didn't get enough already at WPN earlier), hotdogs, nachos, pretzels, cup of noodle, mac and cheese, assorted chips, and candies. They also have several different drinks and espresso. They take cash, check, and credit cards. Students must bring their own money if they want to buy food or drinks.
Student's Name:
First Name
Last Name
Student's Cell # (optional - for texts):
Please enter a valid phone number.
Select One:
I would like to play broom hockey, and also go ice skating.
I will only play broom hockey.
I will only go ice skating.
I will not go on the ice. I just wanna hang with my peeps and eat food.
WayPoint Church Release & Waiver of Liability
This is required to be read and signed by the student's parent/guardian if the student is under 18 years of age. Students who are 18 can sign it themselves. This is WayPoint Church's liability waiver. Bremerton Ice Center has their own, which must be physically signed. You can find that on our website.
By signing below, you (the parent or guardian of the above mentioned minor who is registering for this event, High School Pizza & Broom Hockey, on April 12, 2024, with WayPoint Church) gives full permission for the above mentioned student to participate. The signee acknowledges that students will be carpooling with other adult drivers to and from the event. Furthermore, the parent or legal guardian agrees to hold harmless WayPoint Church and it's staff and volunteers for any injurees or accidents that may occur during the event, and in transit to and from the event. You acknowledge the inherent risks of transportation to/from and participation in such an event, and accept full responsibility and liability for any costs incurred by any injury to your child. We will be on ice, with shoes on. Sprains & strains are very common, and even likely.
Parent/ Student who is 18+ Signature
Parent Name (if signer is not the student)
First Name
Last Name
Parent Email (or Student who is 18+)
Parent Cell # for texts (or Student who is 18+):
Please enter a valid phone number.
Can your parent provide rides if needed? We will contact you if we need help with transportation. If chosen, you will not need to pay for yourself or your student, and we can reimburse gas.
If you answered Yes, how many empty seats will you have available in your vehicle at the time of the event?
Other Requirements
We will be checking for these at drop off! Failure to comply WILL affect your ability to participate.
Helmet Required for Broom Hockey!
A helmet is required if you wish to play broom hockey. It is not requried for ice skating. The facility DOES NOT have any helmets available for us to use. All students playing broom hockey must bring their own. The helmet can be any style of helmet that fits securely, including a simple bike helmet.
I understand that a helmet is REQUIRED if I wish to play broom hockey on the ice.
Flat Athletic Shoes required for Broom Hockey
If you are playing broom hockey on the ice, you must be wearing flat-bottom shoes. Shoes with tread or cleats are not allowed.
Type a question
I understand that flat shoes are required to be on the ice for broom hockey.
Bremerton Ice Center waiver required for anyone going on the ice.
This is a waiver that can be printed at waypointyouth.com/broomhockey. We will have blank copies availabe at drop-off that parents can sign then if you wish to do so.
I understand that the Bremerton Ice Center waiver, found at waypointyouth.com/broomhockey, is required and I will either bring a signed copy, or a parent will sign it at drop off.
Dress warm! It is an ice rink and will be chilly on the ice.
Check email for confirmation! When you hit "Submit" make sure to wait for the page to load completely, to ensure your registration is submitted correctly.
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