Field Trip Permission Form
These permission forms will be in effect for student's entire academic career at Breakthrough Schools, or if the parent revokes agreement in writing.
I hereby state that I am the parent or legal guardian of a Scholar enrolling (hereafter "my child"), and that in consideration of the agreement by the school to permit my child to participate in any and all school-sponsored field trips, do state that:
I am aware of the nature of field trips and understand there are risks/dangers attendant to my child's participation in such trips; I understand that participation by my child in field trips is voluntary and is an entirely optional school activity; I permit my child to participate in any and all such field trips unless I advise the school in writing beforehand that I revoke my permission for a particular trip or trips; I warrant that there is accident and health insurance coverage for my child that will cover him or her while participating in field trips.
I agree to release, indemnify, protect and hold harmless Breakthrough Schools its teachers, administrators, directors, supervisors, agents, employees, and all private persons or organizations, volunteering services without charge to supervise or chaperone my child while on field trips, from any claim or liability whatsoever, including but not limited to personal injury or loss of any kind and/or property damage, court cost, attorney fees and interest, as a result of my child's participation in the field trips. I do not, however, agree to such release in the case of gross negligence or intentional inappropriate actions or actions intended to do harm.
I agree that Breakthrough Schools, its teachers, administrators, agents, and/or employees may terminate my child's participation in the field trips for my child's failure to behave and act in accordance with the school's rules and/or regulations on conduct, failure to follow the instructions and directions of supervisors and/or chaperones or conduct deemed to be detrimental to or incompatible with the interest, comfort or welfare of those participating in the field trips.