Build Power with Fellow ASEs!
Let us know which meetings you'd like to attend, and we'll follow up with zoom link invitations.
Email (non-WSU email preferred)
Currently active workgroups:
Communications Committee (Wednesdays at 12 pm)
Healthcare Workgroup (Tuesdays at 4 pm)
Statewide Political Workgroup - works across Locals! (Wednesday at 12 pm)
Would you like a zoom invitation to our weekly organizing committee meetings? These are currently at 2pm on Tuesdays, and are largely focused on overall organizing strategy & coordination.
Would you like to be involved in any other way?
Getting my colleagues signed up for membership
Distributing information (surveys, sign-on letters, etc) to my colleagues, labmates, and/or friends
Organizing a meeting in my department to discuss working conditions & possible improvments
Outreach/connecting UAW 4591 with campus organizations (e.g., cultural and affinity groups, RSOs, professional development orgs, etc.)
I'm not sure, please contact me!
Should be Empty: