The Public Art Advisory Board was established with the purpose to advise and make recommendations to the City Council with respect to public art policy and related issues including, but not limited to, the selection, construction, maintenance and placement of public art proposed on private property, in or on City rights-of-way and City-owned property.
The role of the members includes but are limited to:
Review all applications for works of art for consistency with the Public Art Master Plan and the Art in Public Places regulations and provide recommendations to the City Council.
Advise the City Council as to the overall policies regarding public arts in the City, recommendations on maintenance of all art work located in the city, propose recommendations regarding amendments to the art in public places ordinance and program.
Assist in expanding the community’s understanding of the role of public art and the benefit of incorporating artwork into both public and private development projects.
Report to the City Council on an annual basis, the status of the art in public places funds and the fund balance.
The Board is made up of seven members and two alternates, each appointed by the City Council. A minimum of three seats on the Board must be filled by persons who are either an artist, architect or interior designer, landscape architect, land use planner, professional in the art field, art or architectural historian, or an art educator. Lay persons of knowledge, experience, and judgment who have an interest in public art shall make up the balance of the Board.
All members and alternatives of the Public Art Advisory Board must reside within the city limits for a
minimum of one-year preceding appointment unless they have a specialization in art as detailed above.