NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up-TEACHER Informant
10. Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
11. Leaves seat when remaining seated is expected
12. Runs about or climbs too much when remaining seated is expected
13. Has difficulty playing or beginning quiet play activities
14. Is "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor"
15. Talks too much
16. Blurts out answers before questions have been completed
17. Has difficulty waiting his or her turn
19. Reading
20. Mathematics
21. Written expression
22. Relationship with peers
23. Following direction
24. Disrupting class
25. Assignment completion
26. Organizational skills
Change of appetite (please explain below)
Trouble sleeping
Irritability in the late morning, late afternoon, or evening (please explain below)
Socially withdrawn-decreased interaction with others
Extreme sadness or unusual crying
Dull, tired, listless behavior
Tremors/feeling shaky
Repetitive movements, tics, jerking, twitching, eye blinking (please explain below)
Picking at skin or fingers, nail biting, lip or cheek chewing (please explain below)