Placement Assistance: Although a placement assistance service is provided, no school is permitted by law to guarantee a job to any student or graduate.
Withdrawals & Refunds: I. A student who cancels within (7) days of signing their enrollment agreement, and prior to starting or gaining access to any school course or program, receives all monies paid to the school returned with the exception of the $100 nonrefundable registration fee. II. After the student begins or gains access to any portion of instruction, or 7 days after enrollment, the student will be liable for: 1. The $100 nonrefundable registration fee, plus, 2. The total cost of the course they attended or are attending, or are scheduled to attend, plus 3. The cost of any books, materials or statutes they received electronically or in-person, in the course, or any partially attended or scheduled course online or in-person, plus 4. The cost of the school course(s) the student has previously attended either in whole or in part; III. Tuition refunds will be processed within 30 days from which the student withdraws or is deemed withdrawn from classes.
By typing my name below, I agree to all the terms and conditions of this Enrollment Agreement and attest to the truth of my information I have provided herein. I also verify that I have read, agree to, and fully understand this Enrollment Agreement, it's terms and all of the school's Rules and Regulations set forth and listed on the school's website at