本課程將指導學員如何用運用電腦繪圖工具繪畫完成具質素的電繪作品,課程完成後,學員可了解到如何使用動畫原理,逐幀動畫化角色最後,製作自己的動畫短片。課程內容包括: 如何運用Blender中電繪工具 Grease pencil; 電繪色彩應用及工具; 動畫原理及製作技巧; Blender 2D動畫工具應用及製作短片等。
- 年滿 16歲或以上;
- 對電腦操作系統有基本知識;
學費: HKD $2,450 (新生報名優惠: $1,950)
D班 2025年 2月8, 15, 22 及 3月1, 8, 15日
星期六 早上10:00-12:30 (全6堂, 每堂2.5小時)
上課地點: 葵涌葵昌路50號葵昌中心8樓9室
(葵興站過天橋, 貿易之都麥當勞左邊落電梯地下出口)
- 已繳交的學費將不會退還. 如課程因特殊情況需要取消或延期, 學員可以決定安排轉班或留至下一輪課程.
- 本校具有保留一切在此活動中之最後決策權利、解釋、更改及取消活動規則之權利,並會定期作出修訂.
Miss. Gloria Chan
Gloria Chan holds a Master degree in Fine Art Creative Media from CityU and Bachelor degree of Education from Eduhk. Her works have collected Hong Kong Mobile Film Festival Best Editing, Best Advertisement and IFVA Award Animation Category Special Mention etc.
She has been to Britain and France for art and animation exchanges. She has designed several art training courses for teenagers, including Digital painting, Storytelling & Storyboard, Character & Set Design, Color & Light course over 10 years.
Gloria Chan worked as an art director, enchanting in the animation industry over 8 years. She is keen on visual development, from concept art to CG lighting and rendering in animation production. Her credit list includes: Artist Tia Lee animation EP, The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes: The Great Jail-Breaker Movie, and Netflix Brown and Friends TV series etc.
In 2022, Gloria Chan is a creative director and co-founder of TOCAT creative limited, an animation and character creation studio based in Hong Kong.