We Want to Hear From You!
Nominate a candidate to be recognized in the Women in Logistics Spotlight featured in our Spring Issue! Only one submission per person. Global Trade's Publisher and Senior Editors will choose the women featured based on responses to the following qualifying questions and research. Please email your account rep or admin@globaltrademag.com if you have questions about submissions, or if you would like to inquire about advertising in this issue.
Submissions close Friday, May 10th at 11:59 P.M. CST
At the request of our readers, we have extended the deadline!
Nominator Contact Information
Please answer the following questions so we can contact you if we have any further questions
Your Name
Your Company
Your Email
What industry does your company primarily serve
Your relationship to the nominee
Submission Questions
Please answer the questions below about the nominee for us to consider for the Women in Logistics spotlight
1. Briefly explain why you are nominating this distinguished female.
2. What major initiatives has this nominee spearheaded for the company? Are metrics available to support or demonstrate her success? Revenue growth, cost reduction, employee growth, successful projects, etc.
3. Briefly explain how this nominee fosters positive workplace culture and diversity:
4. Has this nominee been awarded in the past for their leadership? If so, please share what awards/recognition's. You can also present situations in which she may have been the first, the ‘best’ or the ‘only’ in her field.
Nominee Contact Information
Please answer the questions below about the nominee's contact information
Does the nominee work at your company?
If not, please specify where they are currently employed
Nominee's contact number or email address
Global Trade thanks you for your nomination.
Please check out our Spring 2024 Issue for the Women in Logistics Feature.
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