Nest Bulk Food Expression of Interest!
For all the great reasons, the bulk food order is back in 2024!
Nest 2023 ran a pilot with 12+ camps and spent over £7k on bulk food orders centrally coordinated.
We learnt a lot and we’re back with some new tools to streamline the process so we can all spend more time having fun.So now we know the 200 items that camp kitchens and bars are most likely to need, and where to get them from so that we: 1) get £ to local/ethical wholesalers 2) reduce CO2 3) reduce trips off site 4) reduce waste packaging – massive success here! 5) eat healthier, using back to basics food with less preservatives.
Key buying stats:
1,100 eggs, 966 limes, 864 wraps, 220kg ice, 156L oat milk.
We now know the 200 items that camp kitchens and bars are most likely to need, and where to get them from so that we:
1) get £ to local/ethical wholesalers 2) reduce CO2 3) reduce trips off site 4) reduce waste packaging – massive success here! 5) eat healthier, using back to basics food with less preservatives.
Your Camp (or Group) Name
How Many Members in Your Camp?
Please Select
How keen are you to give bulk food buying a go?
Yes, joined last year
Yes, we're keen to join!
Not sure but I'll try once and see
Your (Burner) Name of Primary Contact
Your Email
Your Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
To make life easy for our team, ideally communications would be via Signal group (a secure and non profit version of WhatsApp). You are
Already on Signal with notifications on
Happy to download and will set it up
Trying to avoid more apps if possible and would appreciate comms another way
Anything else you want to tell us?
you could state, something like, if prices are any higher than this, don't order for me, secondary contact info, etc.
Use of Data Agreement (GDPR)
Do you consent for your contact details to be processed by the Bulk Food Order group and/or added to internal spreadsheets for the sole purpose of communicating with you about bulk orders? You can ask for corrections to your details or to be removed from the list at any time by requesting this via the signal group.
Do you consent to our use of your data?
Should be Empty: