Agent Transaction Desk
Let us know how we can help you!
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Agent Username
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Team Name - If applicable
Team Logo - If applicable
Browse Files
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License #
Website - Refer to Scott Le Roy Email if needed
Please note you MUST have a Business Facebook Page associated with your personal page
Facebook Username
Facebook Access Code
Twitter Name - If applicable
Twitter Username - If applicable
Twitter Access Code - If Applicable
Instagram Name - If applicable
Youtube Channel - If applicable
LinkedIn Profile - If applicable
Agent Transaction App Link - Refer to Scott Le Roy email if needed
Agent Transaction Username - Refer to Scott Le Roy email if needed
Agent Transaction Access Code - Refer to Scott Le Roy email if needed
Gmail Username - NOTE: Your @AgentTransaction email is run through gmail if you would like to use that one
Gmail Access Code - NOTE: Your @AgentTransaction email is run through gmail if you would like to use that one
Do you already have a Twilio account? Twilio is needed to send automatic text messages from Command - Cost is less than $0.01 a text
If yes, Twilio Username
If yes, Twilio Access Code
If not, we will need to create one and add a credit card on file for future text charges - We will reach out to you shortly to collect.
Thank you! Looking forward to completing your KW Command Profile!
Invoice will be generated shortly for payment - $50
Should be Empty: