First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Current Diagnoses
Please list all current medications (including prescription medication, over the counter medication, vitamins and supplements)
Do you feel that your current medications are meeting your expectations?
Please list any pharmacies that currently fill prescriptions for you.
Please list any allergies (food or medication related)
Please provide the details of your medical history. Be sure to include anything that may contribute to your current health.
Please provide any family medical history that would be helpful.
What are your current health care and wellness concerns?
Are there certain health care or wellness concerns you are trying to precent? (ex. My parents had Alzheimer's, dementia, etc.)
What is your goal for our session? List any additional things you would like to learn or talk about.
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