What happens to funds if a troop disbands?
If a troop disbands, the Girl Scouts are encouraged to use existing money prior to disbanding (year-end celebration or donation to local charity). Funds are not to be given to individual girls or adults.
If funds are left, they are to be turned over to the council. The Troop Disband Form needs to be submitted to the council within 30 days of disbanding along with any remaining funds.
See also: Troop Funds Distribution Policy
What happens to funds if a troop splits or merges?
If a troop splits or merges, the funds are to be divided proportionally to the number of Girl Scouts in each new troop. For example, a troop of 35 Girl Scouts splits into two distinct troops of 17 and 18 girls respectively. The original troop has $350 in its treasury. Divide $350 by 35 girls = $10 per girl. The funds are then distributed accordingly to the new troops: $170 to the new troop of 17 and $180 to the new troop of 18 Girl Scouts.
If ALL Girl Scouts from one troop merge into another troop all the funds from the old troop are to be transferred to the new troop.
What happens to funds if a girl transfers troops or becomes a Juliette?
When a Girl Scout leaves a troop, for whatever reason, she relinquishes any claim on money she helped earn for the troop. However, when a Girl Scout is bridging, transferring to another troop, or becomes a Girl Scout Juliette, the original troop may, as a gesture of good will and sisterhood, divide a pro rata share per Girl Scout and make a donation to the receiving troop on the transferring member’s behalf. This is solely at the troop’s discretion. In all cases, if a donation is made, a check should be written directly to the receiving troop.