Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life
19th Annotation Retreat Inquiry Form
Please complete form by August 31, 2024
Thank you for your interest in the 19th Annotation Retreat. This application has some basic informational questions as well as some opportunities for deeper reflection. These 18 questions will help you to discern if this is the right time to do the 19th Annotation, as well as help your retreat guide meet you where you are spiritually. If you have questions, please contact Cate DeGraw cdegraw@me.com or 781-718-3709
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
1) In what city do you reside?
2) Faith Community
3) Are you familiar with Ignatian/Jesuit Spirituality?
Yes, I am very familiar
I am a little familiar
I am not familiar at all
4) Did you attend or view the Retreat Info Session?
I attended the Info Session.
I did not attended the Info Session.
5) Please describe and elaborate on your faith journey.
6) Why do you want to make the Spiritual Exercises?
7) Do you have an hour per day for reflection and prayer?
8) Describe your current prayer practice. What are your prayer practices, what assists you in prayer (rosary, examen, centering prayer, etc.)?
9) How much time do you spend in prayer daily?
10) What is your experience with Spiritual Direction.
I currently have a Spiritual Director.
I have had Spiritual Direction in the past.
I have never had a Spiritual Director.
11) Do you have a preference for whether your retreat guide is male or female?
No preference
12) Do you have a preference for language to communicate with your retreat guide?
13) Would like to meet in person? Or by Zoom or Face Time?
In person
Zoom or Face Time
14) Can you commit to meeting once per week from September to May at a regularly scheduled time?
15) What is your availability?
Early mornings before work
Day time
16) Have you been involved in spiritual reflection in which you talk about your prayer experience (small faith sharing group etc.)
17) You will work with your retreat Director regarding a stipend for each session. Stipends can average $50 a session. Directors also use a sliding scale of $5-$150 a session. No one will turned away from the 19th Annotation Retreat due to inability to pay.
I am comfortable with a stipend for the retreat
I cannot pay at this time
I would like to be considered for particle scholarship
18) What other information would you like to share?
Should be Empty: