2024 Texas Public Information (PIR) Report Filing
Our Filing Service for the Texas Public information Report is $45 per filing. This Annual Report is due on May 15th, 2024. If filed after this date, the Texas Comptroller may impose a $50-late fee. This form is for STC to submit your 2024 Annual Public Information Report. (If you formed your entity in 2024, your report is not due until May 15th, 2025).
Company or Organization Name
Client Name/Organization Representative: (The individual completing this form).
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Mailing Address on file with the TX Comptroller
The mailing address listed here will be the mailing address on file with the TX Comptroller's Office. If you prefer notices from the Comptroller to be mailed to your home, business, P.O. box or Registered Agent's address, list that particular address here. (This address is made available to the public).
Principal Office (skip this question if not applicable)
If you have a principal place of business or physical office, the TX Comptroller would like the information. This Principal Office address is made available to the public. This question is optional and can be skipped.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number (This is for our records only).
Email Address
Please provide the best email address to receive a copy of your submitted report (this is for our records only).
Date of Business Formation (Month/Year)
An entity's intial Franchise Tax Report is due the year AFTER formation and then every year after.
Entity's Webfile Number
The WebFile number for Franchise Tax is REQUIRED to file the report electronically. It begins with XT (example XT000000). If you aren't able to locate it, you can request it directly from The Texas Comptroller's Office (only owners/members of a company can request a webfile number). OR We can file this report without the webfile number via physical mail on your behalf.
List the Name and Address of EACH Member, Manager, General Partner or Director.
Please Note: The TX Comptroller makes each owner(s) name and address listed below available to the public. If privacy concerns are an issue, a P.O Box address is acceptable. If needed, the Registered Agent's address can be used here.
Complete Name of Governing Individual #1:
First Name
Last Name
Title: Please indicate if individual #1 is a Member, Manager, General Partner, and/or Director of this entity.
Please provide the complete physical mailing address of Individual #1:
Note: This address is made available to the public. A P.O Box address is acceptable. If needed, the Registered Agent's address can be used here.
Complete Name of Governing Individual #2 (if applicable):
First Name
Last Name
Title: Please indicate if individual #2 is a Member, Manager, General Partner, and/or Director of this entity.
Please provide the complete mailing address of Individual #2:
Note: This address is made available to the public. A P.O Box address is acceptable. If needed, the Registered Agent's address can be used here.
Complete Name of Governing Individual #3 (if applicable):
First Name
Last Name
Title: Please indicate if individual #3 is a Member, Manager, General Partner, and/or Director of this entity.
Please provide the complete mailing address of Governing Individual #3:
Note: This address is made available to the public. A P.O Box address is acceptable. If needed, the Registered Agent's address can be used here.
If there are additional individuals with Governing Authority, please list their Full name, Title (Member, Manager, General Partner and/or Director), AND Complete mailing address below.
Owned Entities: If this entity is owned by another LLC/Corporation or this entity is the parent company of another LLC, please let us know below. If so, we will reach out for additional information via email.
By signing this form, you are giving permission for Strategic Training and Consulting, LLC to file the Texas Public Information Report on your behalf to the TX Comptroller's Office and your annualized revenue for 2023 did not exceed $2.47 million.
Your signature authorizes STC to file your 2024 Annual Public Information Report on your entity's behalf.
Please verify that you are human
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2024 Annual Public Information Report (TX Comptroller)
STC will submit your 2024 Public Information Report on your behalf to the TX Comptroller's Office (due date is May 15th, 2024). Our annual report filing services are half the price of our competitors!
Payment Methods
Credit Card
Apple Pay
After submitting the form, you will be redirected to Apple Pay to complete the payment.
Cash App Pay
After submitting the form, you will be redirected to Cash App Pay to complete the payment.
Should be Empty: