How to Enter a Stake. Please read carefully - example below
We use a selection and cart checkout process.
1. Use the arrow key to scroll through the different stake / fee options to find your selection(s). There are eight options.
2. You will see a day and test and charge for each stake.
3. To select a stake choose the + sign to add this to your cart.
4. The Shopping Cart will show your selection(s) and a total amount will be displayed. You can click on the shopping cart to view detail.
Click NEXT when you see the correct selection(s) and Total Cost.
If you do not see any items in your cart or Total Cost
your selection has not been made.

You can add both days in one transaction by clicking on both days. Example to enter Finished both days, click on Saturday Finished and then Sunday Finished. Your dollar amount should be $176.00.
If you don't see any dollars you have not entered your dog.
You should receive two emails - one from Jotform and one showing your payment receipt
If you have problems contact Lee Ann Heldt
970-231-6657 or email