I understand that I will receive a Cosmetic Skin Tag Removal. In this regard, by signing this form I understand and declare the following:
1. The risks of the treatment have been explained to me. I understand that this is purely a cosmetic procedure.
2. There is no guarantee of the results of treatment. Improvement of the complaint is highly likely but may require a subsequent treatment for complete removal. As with any trauma or wound to the skin it will scab first & then appear pink in colour before returning to desired skin colour. I fully understand this may take months to fully restore skin tone & in some cases will never be invisible.
3. There is minimal risk involved in the treatment. However i acknowledge there is always a slim chance of scarring, infection and thickening of the skin. Should this occur, I might need to take some antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor or have subsequent treatment to improve the skin quality.
4. Post care procedures are necessary and requires your cooperation. I will follow the instructions given to me and make sure to keep any further recommended appointments for a check-up in order to observe the progress of the treatment made.
5. I consent to photographs being taken pre and post proceedure to document treatment.
I fully understand all of the above. I am aware & willing to proceed with treatment.