UASU Elections Office Complaint Form
Please file this form within 12 hours of the alleged contravention. This is the standard complaint form for reporting all elections infractions. DECLARATION: I am a current University of Alberta undergraduate student. To the best of my knowledge, all information in this form is accurate. I honestly believe a contravention has occurred that may adversely affect the election process. I understand that official complaints are a serious matter. If a complaint is deemed by the CRO to be frivolous, petty, false, or retaliatory, my campaign or any campaign I am a part of may be subject to a punitive fine against expense limits. I understand that, while my Student ID number and email address will be kept private, this complaint form will become part of elections records whose potential distribution and access are subject to UASU Bylaws.
First Name
Last Name
Student ID #
Email address
If necessary, the Elections Office has the option to extend anonymity to complainants in serious circumstances. Do you require anonymity? If so, can you tell us why?
Which specific bylaw, regulation, or nomination package section has been broken, in your opinion? Please provide citations. If your complaint centers on discrimination, harassment, or intimidation rather than a violation of election processes, you can simply state that without needing citations.
Which individual or group has broken election rules, in your opinion?
When did this take place? (Dates and times if known.)
How were election rules broken, in your opinion?
Please attach evidence if possible (e.g. photographs, screencaps, .PDF files).
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