In the event that emergency medical treatment becomes necessary for my student while on the trip and I cannot be contacted, I authorize the school to obtain the necessary treatment.
I understand that all students participating in the trip are required to ride in transportation provided by the school. The school district will not be liable for injuries to students riding in vehicles not provided by the school.
I understand that the District's rules and regulations regarding conduct and discipline apply while students are participating in the trip. Also, the student is required to follow any special rules developed for this particular trip. I understand that in order for my student to participate in major trips, he or she must comply with scholarship and eligibility requirements according to UIL guidelines.
I give permission for my child, identified above, to attend and participate in activities in or around water. I fully understand that activities may include swimming pools, water slides, and other physical activities that may put my child at risk of injury or death.
I release the District, its Board of Trustees, staff, and employees from any damages arising from this trip, except to the extent that liability may be imposed under Texas law. The District, its Trustees, employees, and agents may still claim any governmental or professional immunities allowed by law. As parent or guardian, I agree to hold the District, its trustees, employees, and agents harmless from any damages that may result from my student's actions on the trip.
I have read and understood this permission form and I sign it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. I hereby give permission for my student to participate in this trip.