Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct 2024-2025
Statement of Expectations:
The Keller Independent School District believes that being involved in extra-curricular activities is an honor. Participation in one or more of these activities should be considered a privilege, not a right.
The following are expectations of our students:
✓ Obtain a quality education as the primary reason for attending school
✓ Compete at the highest level while promoting good sportsmanship and courteous behavior
✓ Exhibit positive leadership
✓ Develop and maintain high morals and ethical values
✓ Exhibit conduct becoming of a young lady or gentleman
✓ Exhibit respect to coaches, faculty, officials, opponents and fellow students
✓ Develop and show school pride
Standards for District Extra-Curricular Activities
Keller ISD students are expected to adhere to the District Student Code of Conduct as it applies to school-related and/or school sponsored activities. Prior to participation in a Keller ISD Extra-Curricular activity, student and parents must also agree to abide by all guidelines outlined in the Extra Curricular Code of Conduct. Students involved in extra-curricular activities are expected to maintain high standards of ethical conduct. Extra-curricular participation is a privilege and not a right. Any misconduct that reflects negatively on the Keller Independent School District will fall under these Codes of Conduct. These guidelines are developed to deal with misconduct that occurs within the school’s jurisdiction as well as outside of the school’s jurisdiction, regardless of time or location. Disciplinary action or suspension will be mandated to students who are involved in any disciplinary infraction on or off campus including, but not limited to possession or use of drugs, improper use of prescription medicines, alcohol or tobacco, violent behavior, any inappropriate behavior including presence at functions where illegal substances are being consumed and other offenses that result in the violation of the district Student Code of Conduct, which in turn results in a ISS (other than tardies or dress code), DAEP, Off Campus Suspension or expulsion. In the event that a student is responsible for multiple violations prior to the initial investigation it may be determined that a higher level consequence be deemed appropriate.
Administrative Procedures for the Keller ISD Code of Conduct
The following administrative procedures have been adopted by the Keller Independent School District to deal with violations of the Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct.
**All violations will adhere to the following policies:
1. Confirmation that a violation has occurred via one of the following:
A. Report from a law enforcement agency
B. Personal disclosure by the participating student or parent/guardian
C. Observed behavior by a school employee
D. An investigation may be initiated if credible and specific information is received by a KISD representative.
2. Notification by administrative designee to parents or legal guardian within 72 hours
3. Notification by activity sponsor to campus principal or assigned administrative designee within 72 hours.
4. Meeting with parent, student, (discipline panel) sponsor/coach and administrative designee
5. Determination of type of discipline to be administered. Copies of meeting summary sent to the activity sponsor, campus principal and district level director
6. Appeals: Contacting the appropriate campus Principal will initiate the appeal process.
Cumulative Offenses (specific to grades 7-8 and 9-12)
Disciplinary offenses committed in grades 7 and 8 are cumulative for a student’s middle school career, but will not carry on to high school. Any subsequent offenses that occur in high school will be cumulative during the student’s high school career.
**It is an exception to this rule if the district receives credible evidence indicating that a middle school student committed an act involving the elements of a Class A misdemeanor or a felony. In this case, the offenses will carry from grade 7 through the completion of grade 12.
Cumulative offenses prior to initial investigation
In the event that a student is responsible for multiple violations prior to the initial investigation it may be determined that a higher level consequence be appropriate.
Categories for Code of Conduct Offenses
Level 1 - When a student commits misconduct involving the elements of a Class B or C misdemeanor (class C traffic violations are not applicable) or misconduct that does not involve a law enforcement agency.
If a student is arrested for or commits the elements of a crime of violence, the administrative designee and coach/sponsor may suspend the student from the extra-curricular activity while the case is being decided.
1st Offense (Level 1)
✓ Meeting with student, parent and discipline panel
✓ Student will be assigned by school official one or two of the following:
▪ Twenty hours of community service (30 days to complete)
▪ Twenty miles of running (14 days to complete) (Alternative consequences for students with physical limitations)
▪ 2 – 4 week suspension from activities including practice
▪ all students will also participate in a 10 hour team service project
* In cases involving substance abuse, students may be asked to attend substance abuse intervention. Failure to attend assigned intervention will constitute an additional level one offense and suspension until all requirements are met."
2nd Offense (Level 1)
✓ Meeting with student, parent and discipline panel
✓ Suspension from activities for 30 – 60 days (if out of season the consequence will begin at the beginning of the next competition season)
✓ Student will be assigned one or both of the following:
▪ Twenty hours of community service (30 days to complete)
▪ Twenty miles of running (14 days to complete) (Alternative consequences for students with physical limitations)
▪ all students will also participate in a 10 hour team service project
* In cases involving substance abuse, students may be asked to attend substance abuse intervention. Students involved in their second substance abuse offense must attend substance abuse intervention. Failure to attend shall result in continued suspension.
3rd Offense (Level 1)
✓ Meeting with student, parent and discipline panel
✓ Penalty shall include suspension from activities for one calendar year
*In cases involving substance abuse, students may be asked to attend substance abuse intervention. Students involved in their second substance abuse offense must attend substance abuse intervention. Failure to attend shall result in continued suspension.
Level 2 –If a student commits misconduct that contains the elements of a felony or a Class A misdemeanor"
1st Offense (Level 2)
If a student commits misconduct that contains the elements of a felony crime or a Class A misdemeanor:
✓ Student will be suspended from all activities until the case is completed.
✓ Students found NOT GUILTY will return to the activity with no further penalty.
✓ Students found GUILTY will be removed from all activities for a period of at least one calendar year.
*Students who accept deferred adjudication or have a case adjudicated in a way other than those identified above will have their specific situation reviewed by a committee consisting of at least (1) the director of Fine Arts, (2) the director of Athletics, (3) an administrator from the student's campus, and (4) another district level administrator. That committee will decide the appropriate consequences for the behavior at issue. The committee's decision is final and cannot be appealed.
*In cases involving substance abuse, students may be asked to attend substance abuse intervention. Students involved intheir second substance abuse offense must attend substance abuse intervention. Failure to attend will result in continuedsuspension.
2nd Offense (Level 2)
If a student commits misconduct that contains the elements of a felony crime or a class A misdemeanor:
✓ Student will be suspended from all activities until the case is completed.
✓ Students found NOT GUILTY will return to the activity with no further penalty.
✓ Students found GUILTY will be permanently removed from the program.
Students who accept deferred adjudication or have a case adjudicated in a way other than those identified above will have their specific situation reviewed by a committee consisting of at least (1) the director of Fine Arts, (2) the director of Athletics, (3) an administrator from the student's campus, and (4) another district level administrator. That com ittee will decide the appropriate consequences for the behavior at issue. The committee's decision is final and cannot be appealed.
Keller ISD Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct Signature Page
This page must be signed by both the student and parent/legal guardian of the student and returned to the coach or activity sponsor before the student can participate in the activity.
Signing this sheet signifies that the student and parent/legal guardian of the student has read and understands the procedures and punishments set aside for a violation of the Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct.
This signature page must be signed and turned in to the offices of the Coaches, Sponsor, or Director prior to any practice or competition.