Submission: Blacks and Women's Labor Exhibit
Enter information about and upload an image of the work you want to submit for the exhibit. If you cannot provide an image, fill out the remaining information for us to create a label for your work in the gallery. We will attempt to take a picture to display online once we have the art. SAVE but do not submit your entry unless you have all info entered and the image uploaded.
Artist Details:
If you want to see how the store information is displayed, here are some
First Name
Do not use if using single artist name
Last Name or Artist Name
Use this field only if you use a single artist name
Company (if distinct from artist name)
Phone Number (internal use)
E-mail (internal use)
Please Select
Islais Creek
Studio #
Shipyard (or guest) artist since
Title of artwork
Year created
Size of work (h x w in inches), add depth as 3rd dimension if sculptural (you may add separate sizes for framed and unframed)
Retail price
This is what the collector has to pay, plus sales tax, you get 75% if sold
1-2 sentence description of this artwork (this will be displayed online, and used for online promotion. Please describe how this piece relates to the shipyard labor theme.
Upload your labor show image. At least 1600 pixels in the longer dimension. Any proportion is fine.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Image not ready? SAVE your entry, and SUBMIT with image later.
Special instructions:
Special instructions for installation or anything else about this piece? Urgent question? Email barbara@shipyardtrust instead or call 415-640-6626.
About SAVE
Save your entry if you started but don't have all info ready, like no image yet. A pop-up window will ask you to SIGN IN. IGNORE this and click "Skip" at the bottom of the pop-up. You will receive an email with a link to resume your signup later.
Should be Empty: