for my membership suggested donation provided (NZ$22, OR NZ$3 for current existing WRCHH members OR for a PRODUCTS ONLY Membership), do hereby apply for annual membership in NatuneHeal Holistic Wellness & BioEnergy Therapy Centre a Private Membership Association (PMA) that was created on 1 April 2024, with a minimum of three members (after its transition from a Ltd. registered company that started in 2018). The NatuneHeal Holistic Wellness & BioEnergy Therapy Centre is hereinafter referred to as “PMA”.
Members may include the people who use the Centre’s services (or buy its goods), as well as the skilled and experienced people that provide the services. Our members may be comprised of:
- General Member(s) - member(s) that are part of our social media groups, that have accepted and signed a current PMA, and/or are a current member that receives health services; and have accepted our current Terms & Conditions (e.g. Membership Agreement, Set of Values, Policies), which become our laws, traditions and customs. Decision-making in the PMA is carried out either by its active attending members at Hub Meetings, via poll voting, and/or by the Core Leadership Team member(s).
- Core Leadership Team (CLT) member(s) - active member(s) who provide leadership skills for the successful management and operations of the PMA.
- Practitioner Member(s) - active member(s) who provide health services for our other members. Practitioner Member(s) have accepted and signed a current Practitioner Agreement. For these members, an owner-specific resource database will be maintained to be able to loan or rent any of their resources (e.g. specialist equipment), if they so wish.
Core Leadership Team (CLT) members agree to share some costs when applicable (e.g. promotional or event costs). Any surplus income (after reasonable expenses) is to be returned to the PMA to continue supporting our member community and the future successful operation of the PMA.
In addition to our approved set of values, the PMA has decided to follow and uphold the three basic principles of Natural Law, which are a) do not harm (injure or cause chronic ill health) or kill, b) do not steal or damage the property of others, and c) be honest (do not swindle anyone). In accordance with Natural Law, the International Law Counsel (ILC) assists others in administering themselves without causing harm (and to avoid others administering them without rights and without causing potential harm). Dr David Weller, current CLT Member, also became a member of the ILC on 10 May 2023, which means that the PMA is supported by the ILC against any unlawful acts, deception, fraud, etc. by third parties.
- This PMA hereby declares that our main objective is to protect our rights to freedom of speech and freedom of choice regarding the healthcare services and products that we offer (including any healthcare education), the method of healthcare that we choose, and any healthcare recommendations that we may provide to our members through maintaining our human rights.
- As members of the PMA, under Natural Law, we acknowledge, accept and adopt the following important human rights: - to work as a collective
- to be equal and free from discrimination
- to freely pursue and improve our economic and social development, including in the areas of education, employment, vocational training and retraining, sanitation and health
- to be autonomous, self-govern, and finance our internal and local affairs
- to maintain our own legal, economic, and social institutions, and to administer programmes through these institutions
for the prevention of depriving us of our integrity, dispossessing us of our resources, and of forced assimilation
- to avoid any external influence or coercion by external parties
- to protect our laws, traditions and customs
- to establish and control our own educational systems
- to develop and determine health
- to traditional medicines and to maintain our own health practices
- to own, use, develop and control the resources that we have acquired and have those rights adjudicated and recognized by external parties
to maintain, control, protect, develop and manifest our sciences, technologies and cultures, including our medicines
- to determine our own identity or membership in accordance with our customs and traditions
- to determine the structures and to select the membership of our institutions in accordance with our own procedures
to promote, develop and maintain our institutional structures and our distinctive customs, spirituality, traditions, procedures, and practices in accordance with international human rights standards
- to determine the responsibilities of individuals in our communities
- to the recognition, observance and enforcement of our agreements
- to access prompt decision through just and fair procedures for the resolution of any conflicts or disputes with States or other parties, as well as to effective remedies for all infringements of our individual and collective rights
- herein as the minimum standards for our survival, dignity and well-being
- in accordance with the principles of justice, democracy, respect, equality, non-discrimination, good governance, and good faith - of free speech, petition, assembly, and the right to gather together for the lawful purpose of advising and helping one another in asserting our right.
- This PMA is a not-for-profit Local Natural Health Health Centre for the regional community. More specifically, the mission of our PMA is to work collaboratively to support our members mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and on occasions, socially. We recognise the need for an innovative healthcare approach. One that takes a holistic and integrative view and brings the power of choice back to our members, enabling them to make informed health choices that align with their values and beliefs.
- We proclaim the freedom to choose and perform for ourselves the types of therapies and health modalities that we think best for assessing, addressing and preventing any disease of our mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical bodies, and for achieving and maintaining optimum wellness. We proclaim and reserve the right to offer health options that include, but are not limited to, cutting edge treatment modalities and therapies practised or used by competent healers or therapists or practitioners, as selected and assessed by CLT members, whether traditional or non-traditional, conventional or unconventional.
- The PMA reserves the right to provide and develop services and/or products as we deem necessary for professional and/or personal use by our members. The PMA provides high quality professional services and/or products to manage and/or assess all aspects of a member’s declared or undeclared health. The PMA’s services and/or products may include, but are not limited to: natural health remedies, tinctures, homoeopathy, herbs and herbal products, essential oils and aromatherapy products, nutraceutical health products, supplements, topical skin products; education and training; scientific research; and offers these as alternatives or as inclusion to any previous or existing treatment or therapy.
- We declare the basic right of all of our members to select appropriate representatives from the PMA CLT, who could be expected to give wisest physical and mental healthcare advice and/or assistance, and to select from our membership those members who are the most skilled to assist and facilitate the actual performance and delivery of therapy, treatment and care, as well as recommend products, services, and use of resources (e.g. specialised equipment or technology).
- The PMA will recognize any suitable person (irrespective of race, colour, religion or other) who is in accordance with these principles and policies as a member, and will provide a medium through which its individual members may associate for the expression of their own personal and/or private views.
- The PMA will assist members through education to find solutions for health problems and concerns as a preventative measure or as a solution to a present situation or condition through research, providing information and education, or guiding the member to an appropriate resource.
I agree to join the PMA, under common law, whose members seek to help each other achieve better health and live longer with good quality of life.
Dr David Weller and Auria Paz Aguilar have been chosen initially as the members that are best skilled and qualified to coordinate and lead the PMA’s operations. I entrust them to select other members to assist in carrying out those services, as well as to offer health services to members of the PMA.
I comprehend that the fellow members of the PMA that may provide products, services, care and education, will do so in the capacity of a fellow member and not in the capacity of a licensed health care provider. I further comprehend that within the PMA no doctor-patient relationship exists but only a contract member-member PMA relationship. As a result, I have freely chosen to change my legal status as a public patient, customer or client to a private member of the PMA. I further comprehend that it is entirely my own responsibility to consider the advice and recommendations offered to me by my fellow members. I agree to educate myself with respect to the efficacy, risks, benefits, and the desirability of any recommendations, diagnosis, assessment, therapy, treatment or care provided, which will be my own free decision whether to pursue or not in an exercise of my rights, and made by me for my own benefit. I agree to hold any CLT and other members of the PMA harmless from any unintentional liability for the results of such care, except for harm that results from instances of a clear and present danger of substantive evil (e.g. a risk or threat to safety or other public interests that are serious and imminent), as determined by the PMA and/or CLT.
In addition, I comprehend that the PMA is outside of the jurisdiction and authority of any government agencies or third parties external to the PMA, especially with respect to any and all potential complaints or grievances that may occur against its CLT and/or other members of the PMA. All rights of complaints or grievances will be settled by a PMA CLT and will be waived by the member for the benefit of the PMA and its members. Because the privacy and security of membership records maintained within the PMA, which have been held to be free and safe of violation, the undersigned member waives any unnecessary legislative process regarding privacy rights and complaints. Any medical or healthcare records kept by the PMA will be strictly protected and only released upon written request of the relevant member. I agree that violation of any waivers in this membership agreement may result in a no contest legal proceeding against me. I note that the PMA does not need to participate in or require any medical, health or liability insurance plans or collections on behalf of any member.
I comprehend that the scientists, doctors, nurses, and/or other non-licensed providers who may be fellow members of the PMA may offer me advice, services, education, and other benefits that may not necessarily conform to conventional medical care. I do not expect these benefits to include on-call coverage, hospital care, or the usual and customary care provided by most conventional physicians. I may decide to receive such primary and specialist care elsewhere, if required. I fully comprehend that any benefits that I may receive from the PMA may or may not be covered by my health insurance or ACC.
As a member, I accept the goals of assisting my body, or that of others, to function better. I also make the decision to choose techniques, protocols or procedures that are both very safe and that have a reasonably good chance of succeeding according to individual response mechanisms, realising that no diagnostic technique or treatment is foolproof. If I instead, or also, decide to choose conventional drugs/medications, surgery, and/or radiation that has been recommended to me by others, I fully accept the risk that that decision may entail. Other aspects of informed consent will take place in my discussions with the assigned member service provider(s) and my fellow members of the PMA, as deemed appropriate.
My activities within the PMA are a private matter that would only be shared from the current PMA CLT with the Medical Council, Nursing Council, MedSafe, ACC, insurance companies, or any other governmental or medical agency with my expressed specific permission. All records and documents remain property of the PMA, even if I receive a copy of them. I fully agree not to file any malpractice lawsuit against a fellow member of the PMA (unless that member has exposed me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil).
I enter into this agreement of my own free will (or on behalf of my dependent) without any pressure or promise of cure. I affirm that I do not represent any government agency whose purpose is to regulate and approve products or regulate the practice of Health or Medicine. I acknowledge that my questions have been answered fully to my satisfaction and that I am of sound mind. I comprehend that I can withdraw from this agreement and terminate my membership in this PMA in writing at any time without any financial refund. These pages and Article I of the articles of association of the PMA consist of the entire agreement for my membership in the PMA.
The minimum duration of Membership is one year, and does not need to be extended further or renewed (if not required by me). I comprehend that the membership suggested donation entitles me to receive the general benefits as assigned to the PMA members, including being able to receive or provide outstanding Integrative Healthcare Services. I have donated NZ$22.00 (OR NZ$3, for current existing WRCHH members OR for a PRODUCTS ONLY Membership) as consideration for my annual Membership with the NatuneHeal Holistic Wellness & BioEnergy Therapy Centre (please action your yearly donation by inserting your credit card details below OR depositing it into NatuneHeal PMA Account # 03-0502-0785063-000, using your full name as reference), said term beginning with the date of the signing of this Agreement. I do hereby certify that I have carefully read this Membership Agreement, and that I fully comprehend and agree with it. With the signing of this Membership Agreement, I accept the offer made to become a member of the current PMA.