Information & Instructions
The Athlete Must be "Benefit Eligible"
- For Short Course Funding: Swim at least one event in three (3) AMS Sanctioned meets from the publised Short Course schedule
- For Long Course Funding: Swim in at least two (2) AMS Sanctioned meets from the published Long Course schedule.
- Two Grand Prix Meets may be used toward participation requirement - One (1) for Short Course and one (1) for Long Course
- Please wait until you have met the meet participation requirements before submitting the request for reimbursement.
Application Information
- Receipts are required. You will need to upload your receipts in conjunction with submitting this request; please have them ready to go prior completing this form.
- Please complete a separate form for each funded meet
- Requests for Short Course Funding (Sep 1 - Apr 15) must be received by May 1st.
- Requests for Long Course Funding (Apr 16 - Aug 31) must be received by September 15th.
- Funding Amounts are "Up To" the designated amount based on actual expenses. See AMS Web Site for current funding amounts.
- The Swimmer must compete in at least one individual event for which he/she qualifies at the funded meet. Relay/Time Trial Only Swimmers are not eligible for funding.
- The Funding Check will be made payable to the person specified below unless alternate arrangements have been made
- Enrolled Collegiate & Prep School Athletes are not eligible for funding during the short course season
Eligible Expenses include
- Hotel
- Air Fare
- Car Rental
- Gas & Tolls
- Swimmer Meals
- Entry Fees
For Clubs submitting shared expenses - in addition to receipts, please provide a summary that breaks expenses down on a "per swimmer" basis.
For complete details please see the AMS Operating Procedures