During the PI meeting the CS for All: RPP community will have the opportunity to participate in an open poster session on Thursday morning. This session will be open to all attendees of the CSTA conference. The goals of this session are to:
- Inform CS for All projects through exposure to the most current research and practice perspectives of the CS teacher community
- Provide a venue for disseminating CS for All research outcomes, promising practices and lessons learned with an audience ready to improve the CS educational experience
- Create opportunities for collaboration and networking among researchers and practitioners committed to broadening participation in computing
We anticipate most, if not all, projects will share at least one project poster during this session. For some projects, the content you submit as your one-pager could be appropriate for the poster. Posters will be grouped by the themes you voted on during registration.
Posters can be presented for any stage of work. They should keep in mind the goals by encouraging discussion, networking, and collaboration and should prioritize the practitioner focus of the conference.