OKR Health Check
Assessment Tool
1. Our organization defines our OKRs first, and then our projects and initiatives.
Our company has a defined annual planning process, so we define our projects and initiatives first.
Our teams develop OKRs each quarter, but OKRs aren't part of our projects or initiatives.
For each project we do, the project manager creates OKRs for the project.
Our goal is to work on strategically aligned work, so we define our OKRs first - always!
2. Our company follows a defined and well understood OKR cycle.
Our company follows the 5-Step OKR Cycle developed by Scaled OKRs
I wasn't aware that there was an OKR cycle?
We learned about an OKR cycle, but most teams really follow their own process
We defined our entire delivery process around the quarterly OKR cycle
3. Our company's 1 to 3-year strategy informs our top-level OKRs
I think our top-level OKRs might be the same as our strategy?
It would be great if our company had an actual strategy, but I don’t think we do
That is 100% true for us. Our strategy is a critical input to our OKRs.
Our OKRs can't keep up with our ever changing strategy
4. We have an OKR Champion or a dedicated team that supports our use of OKRs
I think my team lead is my OKR champion - he creates our OKRs for us.
Our organization is fairly large, so we have a small team of OKR coaches and facilitators that support us.
OKRs are straight forward - we can figure it out. Plus we already know which projects are a priority anyway.
Even though we are a smaller company, we have an external OKR coach that helps us whenever we need it.
5. We were very careful to integrate OKRs into our existing work process
Our organization follows Agile practices, and we were careful to integrate OKR check-ins to existing ceremonies
All teams just started doing OKRs, so I guess you could say we integrated them into our process.
Our PMO made OKRs an additional requirement that must be completed to support every project
What does it mean to "integrate" OKRs into an existing work process?
6. Our OKRs are defined both top-down and bottoms-up
Only our teams do OKRs, so that's bottoms-up for us
Everyone creates OKRs so I guess that the same as top-down and bottom-up
Neither top-down or bottoms-up. Each department is supposed to do their own OKRs.
We started out doing just top-down, but alignment increased when teams also created bottoms-up OKRs
7. We use a dedicated tool for managing our OKRs and everyone has access to it whenever they need
I think most teams are using Excel, but some teams might be using something else.
My manager shared them in a PowerPoint presentation, so we're using PowerPoint.
OKRs are critical to our success, so we invested in an OKR management tool - it's made a world of difference for us!
We tried a tool but no one could figure it out, so we just went back to using whatever works.
8. We are mindful not to create too many OKRs so that we are laser focused on what matters most!
Every leader, and ever team must have 3 to 5 OKRs. Altogether we have more than 100 OKRs.
Our leaders used to create OKRs for each department and we had lots of "siloed" OKRs. We corrected that!
It's up to the Project Manager how many OKRs they want to create for their projects.
Yes! We only do 2-3 strategic annual OKRs, and 2-3 quarterly tactical OKRs for each strategic one.
9. We make sure our OKRs are aligned both vertically and horizontally in our organization
Now that we do shared OKRs across the various functions in our department, it's easier to see alignment.
Since each team does their own OKRs, we don't need to know what the OKRs are for other teams
All the managers are required to do OKRs so they must be aligned
Our managers make sure that the top-level KRs become the next level down Objective.
10. We are super careful not to create OKRs that look like tasks with due dates
We are extremely busy and we have to meet our dates, so we use OKRs to manage our tasks and dates.
We have so much work that we absolutely must get done. Dates in our OKRs is the only way to make it happen!
We may have an occasional date in a KR, but it's rare. We focus on measurable KRs!
I'm asked frequently if I'm going to meet the dates for my OKRs
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