Formal Appeal Process
1. Appeals can only be filed if there is a scoring error.
2. A written appeal must be filed with the State FFA Executive Director, within the sevencalendar days after results announcement, and must be accompanied by a $50 filing fee. The fee will be returned if the appeal is justified.
3. The state FFA staff will review the appeal. Upon receiving input from the assigned CDE/LDE host and advisor chair and committee, state FFA staff will accept or deny the appeal based on whether the appeal addresses a perceived scoring error.
4. The appeal will be considered by the Utah FFA Advisory Board.
5. The rulings available to the appeals committee are:
- Results will stand as originally scored and announced.
- Results will be changed and a new state winner will be recognized.
- Results will be decided by a coin flip. Heads will be represented by the first school in alphabetical order.
6. Advisors involved in the appeals process will remove themselves from the advisory board vote. Another area representative will attend.
7. Any ruling on the appeal provided by the Utah FFA Advisory Board will be considered final.