Planting Wheat in Solidarity with Artist Agnes Denes
Tinworks Art thanks you for participating in this project to plant wheat in fallow land across the valley! Please answer a few questions for our records.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How did you hear about Agnes Denes' project and planting wheat in solidarity? Select all that apply.
Tinworks Art newsletter
Tinworks Art social media
Tinworks Art website
Tinworks Art public event
Word of mouth
Partner organization or sponsor share
Other, please describe
What size is the plot of wheat you will plant?
small flower box (less than 1 square foot)
planter box (less than 4 square feet)
larger planter (between 4 square feet and 8 square feet)
Other, please indicate size
What date will you be planting your wheat?
Would you be willing to send images of your wheat being planted, growing at different heights, and being harvested for documenting this project and social media purposes? (We will not publicize your location and only tag your identity if you give permission. If you are concerned about privacy we recommend taking images which do not have identifiable landmarks. Sending images and identifying yourself is NOT required to participate in planting.)
Do you give permission to be identified in use of these images?
Yes, here are my social media accounts
Do you know about participating in "Questionnaire," a survey of questions by artist Agnes Denes asking questions about humanity's mindset in the year 2024? It is important research in addition to being a work of art. By filling out this "Questionnaire" you are communicating with the future. Your responses will be placed in the virtual cloud to be accessed by others at any time or date, and could be selected for an audio piece installed during Tinworks Art's 2024 exhibition.
Are you signed up for our newsletter for the latest news from Tinworks Art? Sign up on our website.
Thank you!
Tinworks will be reaching out with information about planting, tending, harvesting, and processing your free wheat seeds soon! Signage to post with your wheat plot will also be provided when you pick up your seeds. For more information about how you can be a part of Agnes Denes' Tinworks Art 2024 installation please visit
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