The purpose of this letter is to outline the basis on which LAMDA Speech & Drama Tuition is offered at Lingfield College Senior School.
The LAMDA Speech & Drama specialists are not employees of the School. Nonetheless, the basic administration of the work at Lingfield College is undertaken by the School for reasons of mutual convenience.
All requests for LAMDA Speech & Drama tuition should be made in writing to Mr McEwan, Director of Drama. Whenever possible a student will be accommodated immediately. At the end of the first term, students may stop lessons, or the teacher may recommend that he/she stops with no recrimination on either side. Thereafter, a full term’s notice of intention to stop lessons is required in writing or the fees should be paid in lieu of such notice.
As from September 2024 the fees are; Years 7 – 11 £110.00 and Years 12 & 13 £130.00 calculated on a ten-week basis . Fees will be invoiced directly to parents by the two LAMDA tutors and payment needs to be made before the start of each term.
A register will be kept and reasons for absence noted. Should a member of staff be absent for any reason the aim will be to re-schedule the lesson, so that the quota of thirty lessons is taught by the end of the school year. Should a student miss a lesson, this will be charged as usual by the teacher. Students should, whenever possible, discuss absence from a lesson with their tutor in advance. Unexplained absences will result in a detention.
Timetabling of lessons is arranged between the staff and myself. Mrs Fanner and Mrs Scullin will be in school teaching during morning breaks and lunchtimes on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from September 2024. The Sixth Form students will be timetabled during their free periods.
The LAMDA Speech & Drama teachers encourage a positive personal contact between themselves and parents. Whilst it is not feasible for them to attend Parents’ Evenings, they are happy to discuss progress/problems either by telephone or by emails. We would like to emphasize the importance of practice as part of the successful progression of a student and would encourage parents to support this at home. Students are expected to memorise text for all exams. They will also be expected to read books and plays from Grade 4 onwards.
The graded examinations are entered when the student is considered ready. Teachers will speak to parents if they feel the student requires longer to reach the standard for an exam. The examinations should not be regarded as a benchmark to ascertain the stage reached, or a goal to be achieved. Exam entry is made via the school and the examinations are usually held on site. The examination fee will be payable at the time. It may be of interest to note that these examinations are recognised qualifications and that any achievement at Grade 6 or higher, now qualifies for UCAS points and should be recorded on any higher education application form.
Twice a year, the week before exams are held, parents are invited to attend a LAMDA evening, at which they will have the opportunity to watch the students perform some of what they are working on. Students are expected to attend the evening and it is seen as an important part of their LAMDA studies progression. If for any reason a student is unable to perform, parental confirmation must be received at least a week before the LAMDA evening.
Yours sincerely
Mr J McEwan
Director of Drama