1. Application - All requests for instrumental/vocal tuition must be made by application form and no lessons may start until we have received a signed contract. Timetables are compiled at the start of the new academic year. Requests for lessons to start mid-year will be accommodated at the start of the next half term.
2. Cancellation of lessons - A full term’s notice is required in writing to the Music Administrator to cancel instrumental lessons. All fees should be paid in lieu. If payment is not made by half term, the outstanding amount will be added to your school bill and lessons the following term will not resume until the account is settled. Any change of instrumental teacher does not alter these contractual terms
3. Instrument hire - We highly recommend hiring for the first term before financially committing to buying if your child is starting a new instrument. Many local music stores rent at reasonable prices.
4. Payment - Invoices are issued termly by peripatetic staff directly. Lessons are charged at £22.00 per 30 minute lesson and payment is requested by online bank transfer. A total of 30 lessons will be given during the year and 10 will be charged for each term, though in practice the number given may vary from term to term (12 in the longer Autumn Term and 9 in each of the others is a common pattern).
5. Absence - Registers are kept by staff and reasons for absence noted. Should a member of staff be absent for any reason, lessons will either be re-allocated or refunded by the end of the school year. Should a student miss a lesson, this will be charged as usual by the teacher. Genuine reasons for absence may result in lesson re-allocation if space is available. Parents/students should inform the teacher immediately should an absence be anticipated (e.g., school trip).
6. Timetabling Timetabling of lessons is arranged by the peripatetic, assisted by the Music Administrator. All students can find their lesson times on Firefly. Sixth Form lessons take place in free periods, Years 10 and 11 have priority for before/after school and lunchtime slots, with Years 7 – 9 rotating through the remaining spaces.
7. Contact - All the music staff encourage a positive personal contact between themselves and parents. The main line of communication is by email/phone but we also hold an annual peripatetic parents evening in March so that you may discuss your child’s progress in person.
8. Exams - Graded examinations (ABRSM, Trinity, MTB and LCM) are routinely entered when the student is considered ready. These examinations should not be regarded as a necessity or a requirement for progress, but either as a benchmark to ascertain the stage reached or a goal to be achieved. Entry is made via the school and the exams are usually held on site towards the end of each term. The fee (as set by the Board) and any accompanist’s fee, will normally be collected via the school bill. We also enter students for Rock School, but these are often taken outside of school.
9. Groups - It is expected that all students taking lessons in school will join an ensemble suitable for their instrument/standard.
10. Instrument Insurance – Your child brings their instrument on to school property at their own risk. Please ensure that all instruments have an appropriate sturdy case/cover and are labelled clearly with your child’s name. On arrival at school, all instruments should be stored safely and carefully on a shelf in the instrument store cupboard. Instruments must be covered by your home/contents insurance, the school holds no liability.
11. Finally, may I please stress that it is the responsibility of Senior School students to check lesson times. If students are involved in a school trip or have a medical appointment at the time of their lesson, they should see Miss Brack, Mrs Cottrell or the instrumental teacher to arrange a swap.