DH2024 Volunteer Signup
DH 2024: Reinvention & Responsibility is the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, hosted by The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. DH 2024 will take place online and in person at our Arlington, VA campus, in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. To help make this conference possible, we are inviting current Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. students the opportunity to volunteer in exchange for: one compensated registration, the ability for you to attend the conference in your free time, the possibility to make important connections with DH researchers while helping the community and saving money, entrance to all receptions, and a volunteer event t-shirt. Apply by Sunday, June 16th for full consideration!
Volunteers may be asked to complete any of the following tasks:
Pre-conference set-up, check-in support, technical and logistical support, help with the poster session, help at the receptions, supporting the implementation of the hybrid format.
First Name
Last Name
University Email
DH2024 is a hybrid event. Volunteers may assist virtually or in person. Please select how you would like to support DH2024:
I am willing to volunteer in person or virtually
I would like to volunteer in person
I would like to volunteer online
Volunteers will be assigned two four-hour shifts over the duration of the conference, for a total of 8 hours. Please select all shift times would be willing to work:
8am - 12pm
12pm - 4pm
4pm - 8pm
What conference days will you be available? Select all that apply.
Tuesday, August 6
Wednesday, August 7
Thursday, August 8
Friday, August 9
Saturday, August 10
We will also be offering volunteer shifts for pre-conference set-up. Most of these shifts will occur the 2 weeks leading up to the conference (July 22-August 5). Please let us know if you are interested in one of these pre-conference shifts:
I'm Interested
I'm NOT Interested
Are you presenting at DH 2024? Let us know when so we do not schedule you at a conflicting time:
T-Shirt Size
Please Select
All volunteers will receive a DH 2024 t-shirt to wear during their shifts!
Please Note
All volunteers are responsible for their own travel, accommodation, and food expenses.
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