Share a Story
Stories are limited to 500 words or less. You can include pictures or short videos suitable for posting publicly (SFW). All submissions will be reviewed prior to posting and we will provide feedback if we have concerns or questions regarding content.
Be aware that all submissions will be posted publicly. Once posted we can remove content from our sites on request but remember that once anything is publicly posted others may have accessed or copied it. Be sure you have permission from those whose images or HIV status you share. We assume you have that when you submit for publication.
Please provide a general location (City, Neighborhood) for your submission if appropriate. Do not include more detailed locations unless it is a public place (e.g. a well-known bar or restaurant).We do want your name and address for our records, but you may request that posting be done anonymously on our sites. Please include the name of the person or organization you are recognizing.
Tell a story! Facts and dates are good, but why is the person, place or organization important to the community? Is there an anecdote that exemplifies why you feel they are worth knowing about? What would you tell someone you just met about this person to help them understand?
Remember this is an all-volunteer effort. We will post stories in the order received as we are able to do so.If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to follow up.