A new grant or contract can be vital to funding your organization's programs, but it brings responsibilities and risks as well. This tool will help you evaluate whether a funding opportunity makes strategic sense and is feasible for your organization.
How Results Are Calculated
The tool focuses on three areas: Can you deliver the program? What financial impact will it have on your organization? And, can you manage the contract?
After answering the questions in each section, you will see how good of a "match" the opportunity is for your organization, along with points to consider in making a decision about what to do. The degree of fit is illustrated by colors: green for close, yellow for possible, and red for questionable match.
The tool is best used in a group—so consider inviting your colleagues to join you. It can be used to guide a discussion that includes the Executive Director/CEO, Finance Director/CFO, Development Director, and the director or manager in charge of a program considering the grant. Discussing these questions together will help you best evaluate the opportunity.
Disclaimer: This tool is meant for internal planning and assessment purposes only and is in no way meant to assess or predict whether your organization will be awarded any particular grant or contract, nor should its results be cited or referred to in a grant or contract application.
BDO thanks the Wallace Foundation for their support in the development of this tool.