Our staff is available to meet with clients via Telehealth video conferencing. Please note that the confidentiality and exceptions thereto that have been described in this Hands of Hope Texas, LLC Services Consent also applies to Telehealth services. This informed consent to receive Telehealth services contains information focused on psychotherapy and psychiatry services that use the telephone or internet. Please read carefully.
Benefits and risks of Telehealth services
Telehealth refers to the provision of psychotherapy and psychiatric services remotely using telecommunications technology through video conferencing. One of the benefits of Telehealth is that the client and professional can provide services without being in the same physical location. Telehealth, however, requires a good technical connection on both sides to be useful. Although there are benefits to Telehealth, there are some differences between in-person services, as well as some risk. For example:
Condidentiality Risk: Because the telehealth session takes place outside of the practitioner’s private office, there is a chance that others may overhear the session if the client is not in a private location during the session. The professional will take reasonable measures to ensure the client’s privacy. It is important that the client finds a private place for the session where there will be no interruptions. It is also important for the client to protect the privacy of the session via cell phone or other electronic devices. The client should participate in the session only while in a room or area where other people are not present and cannot hear the conversation. We strongly suggest that you only communicate through a device that you know is secure and is technologically secure ( for example, has a firewall, antivirus software installed, is password protected, does not access the Internet over a public network wireless, etc.) during a session with a client, the professional will make all the reasonable efforts to ensure the client’s privacy in the space in which he or she provides services, as well as on the device used to provide the service.
Technology Issues: There are many ways that technology issues can impact Telehealth services. For example, there may be difficulties with hardware, software, equipment and/or services provided by a third party that may result in service interruptions; technology may stop working during a session; other people could have access to the private conversation; could be accessed by unauthorized person or companies. Hands if Hope Texas, LLC is taking all reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of customer information on devices and systems used by HOH to provide services; Please read the Confidentiality Section below for additional information.
Crisis Management and Intervention: The professional will not engage in Telehealth with clients who are currently in crisis and require heigh levels of support and intervention. Prior to participating in Telehealth, the client and practitioner will develop an emergency action plan to address potential crisis situations that may arise during the use of Telehealth. The professional will determine if a client is in crisis using his or her professional knowledge to evaluate the general circumstance presented.
Electronic communication: The client and the professional will decide together what type of Telehealth services they are going to use. The client may be required to have certain computer or cell phone systems to use Telehealth services.
Confidentiality: The professional has the legal and ethical responsibility to make the best efforts to protect all communications that are part of Telehealth services. However, the use of technology for electronic communications is such that the professional cannot guarantee that the communication will be kept confidential or that others will not be able to access them. The professional will try to use encryption methods, firewalls, and backup systems to help keep the client information private, but there is a risk that the electronic communication may be compromised, unsecured, or accessed by others. The client must also take responsible steps to ensure the security of communications (for example, only using secure networks for Telehealth sessions and having a password to protect the device used for Telehealth).
Emergencies and Technology: If the session is interrupted for any reason, such as a connection failure, and the client has an emergency, do not call your clinician; call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If the session is interrupted and the client does not have an emergency, please log out of the session and the practitioner will wait (2) minutes and then contact you again via the Telehealth platform on which we agreed to conduct the therapy.
Recordings: Telehealth sessions will not be recorded in any way. However, as with an in-person session, HOH will create a record to document the session, which will become a permanent part of the client’s file.
Informed consent
I understand that this is a modification to my previously signed consent for treatment – HOH Consent to Receive Services and I hereby consent to the provision of services.