Length of Guardianship
Females - Guardianship will be in effect for 4 litters or 6 years of age (whichever happens first)
Males - 7 years of age
* Guardian dog may be retired early at the Owner's descretion.
Once the guardianship has been concluded, the dog will be spayed or neutered and all ownership will be turned over to the Guardian at that time.
Spay/Neuter shall be paid by the Owner if at least 5 puppies have been produced by the guardian dog and at a vet of the Owner's choosing. The Guardian will be responsible for cost of spay/nueter if the dog is removed from the program before producing at least 5 puppies.
Time away from the Guardian
Females: It should be expected that the female will be with the Owner for 1 week for breeding in most cases and for 5-6 weeks for whelping. The female needs to be returned to the Owner at least 1 week before expected due date or sooner if signs of early labor are present, and will be returned after weaning which is usually done when pups are 5 weeks old. The Owner may also need the female at other times, such as for picture taking or vet appointments, but that rarely would be more than 24 hours and is usually less.
Males: It should be expected that males will be with the Owner for 1-2 weeks per breeding. Usually 2 weeks notice will be provided, but rarely there may only be a day or two notice in the event of an emergency. The Owner may also need the male at other times, such as for vet appointments, pictures, or to collect.